
In a span of 9 years we have extended home care services to more than 2000 bed-ridden patients. Every year an average of 250- 300 pts. are being treated with the help of palliative trained Nurses, Doctors and ofcourse dedicated volunteers. Also necessary Medical Equipments like semifowler hospital bed, wheel chair, commod/recline wheel chair, air/water beds, walker, oxygen apparatus etc. are being provided to the needy patients.

If their health condition permits, a bi-weekly outing for patients (with their by-standers/relatives) also is being arranged taking them to to beach, town, relatives house etc. with necessary food, medicines and other requirements to boost their mental & physical relaxation.

Upgrade the Society as one of the best Palliative Care Centres in the region by 2020 and thus to be placed among the ISO Certified organizations.
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To provide comprehensive Home Care services to the bed- ridden and disabled fellow human beings who are suffering from stroke , terminal cancer, end stage heart, liver and kidney diseases . Apart from helping with their bodily ailment, we aim to alleviate psychological, spiritual and socio- economic suffering as well, thus providing utmost care until their last breath.
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